My good friend, IvyGuru, sent me the link to this totally amazing blog Color Me Katie. Her blog is so colorful and filled with so much fun! I love her life, she makes every day and every little thing so bright and colorful. I was so inspired by her blog that I decided to inject a little fun into my life too.
I had recently bought this super cute Mickey Mouse bubble blower from my colleague, for my brother who's a big Disney fan. Sidetrack, my colleague got her kids to gather up toys they barely played with, toys that were gifts and were never opened, toys they have outgrown, and she took pictures of them and put them up on Facebook for a little sale. She's doing this to give her kids a chance to earn a little spending money for their family trip to Hong Kong. I thought it was a great idea to get them to learn the value of money and to clear out some of their old toys. I bought the Mickey Mouse bubble blower off her because I thought it will be really fun to have around.
I had loads of fun playing with it and filling the house and neighborhood with big colorful bubbles!
I feel like a kid watching the bubbles float all over the street but it sure was hard trying to hold onto to Mickey Mouse with one hand and trying to operate the camera on my iPhone with the other. I sure am glad I did not drop either of them.
I can't wait to show it to my bro!