i'm so nervous i don't think i can sleep or eat til 6.30pm tomorrow!
gosh this is nerve-wrecking
anyway i stopped blogging a long while ago, blame facebook haha. it was all too easy to keep friends updated on the going-ons over there, thus my poor blog got neglected and i kinda dismissed blooger as boring.
talk about re-discovery!i didn't know the new layouts blogger has could be so fun and customisable!so now i'm starting a new one to blog about preparing for my wedding and home, it'll be filled with news and updates, inspirations and plans, and loads of photos =)(i promise not to be too bimbotic and gushy...i'll really try)
like the background and colours?they are the theme for my wedding!i'm planning a pink and green cherry blossom theme for my shingding and i'm sooo excited!!i've been researching for ages online and have got loads of inspiration, i wish i can use everything but budget budget budget...
one of the inspiration boards i found online but i forgot where

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