The shower screen for the master bathroom is up!!
Work in progress, thank god the tiling HDB gave us was of a neutral colour. We did not have to do an overlay of tiles.
The storage heater is going up!
Our mirror which we pieced together and ready for installation.
Look at my lovely bedroom feature wall colour! Soooo loving it. This is from the Nippon Vinilex 5000 range - Aquamarine 5086.
This is the feature wall of our 2nd bedroom. Also from the Nippon Vinilex 5000 range - Cornfield 5085. We do not have a function for this room yet so I'm just going to call it our Room of Requirement. It'll be whatever we require it to be haha.
Our airconditioners! Yay I'll be able to have a good sleep again every night!
Look at our light fixtures in their funky hot pink boxes. We chose very simple basic ceiling lights, nothing impressive. I'm planning to dress up the room and create different tones with floor and table lamps.
My wardrobe ready for installation! Ooo so excited!!
Doesn't our living room look all glowy hehe? If you look carefully, you'll see that the wall on the right is this lovely soft green colour. That's Nippon Vinilex 5000 - Cucumber 5067. I'll take a better picture next time. The rest of the house is done in Nippon Vinilex - Rose Petal 5083.
What I'm most excited about is our kitchen!! I can't get over how fantastic it looks, exactly how I wanted it. It'll be such a joy to learn more recipes and do my cooking experiments here!
Stove area
Sink area
This week, the lights should be up and they are finally laying the bedroom floors! If only our furniture search is as smooth as the renovations. It's been so tough looking for the right pieces for our dream house. Actually I should correct that, we found many suitable pieces, just that Whitewoods, Air and Grafunkt are out of our budget. As with anything, a limited budget is the biggest obstacle. Le sigh.

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